Custom Sports Art!

SPORTS ART Made to order! BRENT AMACKER can render pretty much anyone or anything you can imagine, from The Greatest Coach of All Time, to Hall-of-Famers, Athletes, even fans. Entire SPORTS THEME ROOMS can be rendered to YOUR specifications.

Perfect for Game-rooms, Parlors, Sports Bars, Taverns, or Office, these images make great gifts to others- or YOURSELF!




Bear Bryant 
painting by BRENT AMACKER

  The  story concerning the origin of this painting goes back some 23 years to 1983. 'The Coach' was dead. One of 'his' boys had taken over the program. An avid fan whose loyalties to The Tide were solidified by numerous Autumn Saturdays spent with my father listening to John Forney call The University of Alabama's domination of the collegiate football world, I had picked up the Annual "Lindy's SEC College Football Preview". Inside were write-ups on new Coach Ray Perkins, the incoming young men slated to don 'The Crimson' and take the field, along with a list of prospective recruits (among them Hall-of-Famer Cornelius Bennett and a very familiar and popular young Mike Shula!)

Finishing the article, I turned the pages and saw a photo that, to me, was impressive. It was an image of Coach Bryant, a profile that showed the chiseled, battle-weary features and a calm intensity indescribable to those not a student of the game. HIS game.

I remember thinking 'That would make a great painting...!', but being young and impatient, I didn't have the time to just 'sit and paint'. I would run across the magazine again periodically through the years, in subsequent moves, furniture rearranging, or whatever. I would always think 'That would make a great painting!', but I would never have the time...

Fast-forward to 2002. My wife and I are in Tuscaloosa with my stepdaughter for 'Freshman Orientation'. Always a thrill to be on-campus, and equally excited due to her choice of schools, I was a bit taken aback by some of the 'artwork' hanging in the local restaurants. Of course, the amazing work of the incomparable Daniel Moore was prominent, and, granted, there are a few other decent artists, but everything else was just, well, (to be polite) 'lacking'. I remember thinking 'Dang! I could do that!'. So, when we got back down to Mobile, I did!

The Painting itself measures 36 inches wide by 48 inches tall (3'x4'). Rendered in acrylic on canvas, the original didn't even take very long to complete. Had I not run out of major flesh-tone ingredients on a Sunday evening (when everywhere is closed), I would have finished in 3 days. I had to complete the work before I lost interest and the project languished unfinished indefinitely. Fortunately, I did! I am selling the prints, and have donated the ORIGINAL and a few of the prints for various charity auctions (Some of which are endorsed and attended by prominent Alabama alumni!)

Below is the forgotten original pencil study, as well as a pen & ink practice version:

Bear Bryant Painting study in Ink by BRENT AMACKER     

Here is another painting of Coach Bryant.

 Hear BIG AL:

Bear Bryant Leaning on Goalpost by BRENT AMACKER

These images can also be viewd on a neat UofA fan site, TIDE FOOTBALL, by going to HERE

HoundstoothRoll Tide!HoundstoothRoll Tide!

Mark Ingram Wins BAMA's First Heisman!

Caricature Commission of Football Player by Brent Amacker

I also render commission Sport Art of OTHER teams and coaches as evidenced below.

Cadillac & Hummer



Joe Pa


Penn State's Legendary JOE PATERNO 


 Auburn University's Legendary RALPH 'SHUG' JORDAN

Above are a couple of paintings 'in progress'. I am currently gauging interest for possible mass production. If you or someone you know would like information, please e-mail or write! Also, I am working on a portrait of recently-deceased JOHNNY VAUGHT of The University of Mississippi, shown below.......

Johnny Vaught 

These are the first in a forthcoming 'Legendary Coaches' Series 

BELOW are the first images of a series dedicated to those couples of 'Mixed Allegiences', for those who love each other, but are loyal to different schools or teams....


 Here are both versions of the  'MIXED UP MARRIAGE' Print

A few years back, Brent was commissioned by Tubby's Tees for a 'Retro' design for The Mobile Baybears, and rendered a 'throwback' character drawing (reminiscent of early 20th-century animation) of the current mascot logo:

HERE are some 'Studies' sketches for a commission piece...

Nicole Adams Painting Study  Nicole Adams B-Ball Ptg Study 2